Tracks & Categorizes every Denial, by ANSI Code, by Insurance, and by CPT.
When a claim is denied, it means that the insurance company has determined that it does not meet the necessary criteria for reimbursement.
Shed worries! Our software does all the heavy lifting for you.
Denials are expensive and time consuming. Denials that have the greatest impact on net reimbursement must be prioritized by healthcare providers.
Aegis’s denial management software allows you to categorize and organize denial code types and categories, such as Soft, Hard, Clinical, and Technical/Administrative denials. In addition, providers must be able to establish the hierarchy of rejection and reason codes.
With such an easy-to-use tool, we expect to reduce future denials and rejections by improving claim accuracy, increasing efficiency, and improving staff performance.
Quickly determine denied claims that can be resubmitted and/or appealed.
Minimize the requirement for manual claim status and remittance advice.
Our denial management software, categorizes denial codes to assist you in identifying and eliminating root cause issues.
Standardize activity and root cause templates based on the kind of rejection.
Determine the fundamental reasons of denials in order to improve procedures.
Extensive data analysis and reporting features enable you to avoid denials in upstream processes.