Medical Coding in the USA
Only 44.38% of Physicians' Offices use Certified Coders and 29.96% of medical coding companies in the USA do the Coding themselves, says MGMAStat.
Many Medical Billing and Coding companies in the USA are having challenges in staying abreast of ongoing payer requirements, including Coding, Billing, and OIG/CMS Guidelines. It is always recommended to have AAPC/AHIMA Certified Coders.
Aegis's Certified AAPC Coders attend Coding/Billing-related Events and Conferences and actively participate in AAPC Forums. We are providing top-notch Medical Coding services in the USA.
![medical coding billing services in usa](assets/images/medical_coding_billing_ser.jpg)
To avoid under coding, which affects your reimbursement.To mitigate the risk of CMS's audit by meeting CMS's Clinical Documentation and Coding guidelines.To avoid certain global Denials once for all.To shorten Revenue Cycle.To figure out accurate RVU based Provider Performance/Productivity.To quicker Patient Payments.To shorten AR Days.To avoid billing invalid Codes.